Wednesday, October 14, 2009

following up on my last post... (WARNING probably TMI for my male readers)

my doctor won't let me have the surgery done to insert the paraguard until my body is back to normal. her plan to fix my hormone problem doesn't make sense to me, but i'm willing to do anything to get back to the real me. she has me on the pill for the next two months- which means she wants to fight my hormones with more hormones (kind of like how chemo fights sickness with sickness). the thing is, after 72 days the bleeding has finally stopped, but now i cry even more than i did before. i'm just such an emotional mess and it makes me hate myself. i saw a person in a wheel chair today- i cried. ANYTIME i hear dramatic music i cry- for example every time i see a trailor for "where the wild things are" or a commercial for Transformers 2 coming out on DVD . it's so random and sporadic. this happens at least 5 times a day now. i can't wait for these 2 months to be over. i'm so embarrassed and depressed, not to mention still not losing weight, even though i work hard to do so. at least i have a couple of women in my life who can relate. they have been very insightful as well as comforting through all of this.

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